The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

The success of ‘Jungle Book’ means we’ll get more Disney remakes, whether we want them or not

Baloo (voice by Bill Murray) and Mowgli (Neel Sethi) rake in the honeyed sweetness of box-office gold. (courtesy of Disney 2016 via Associated Press)

Disney, the studio behind “The Jungle Book,” became the Mouse House That Roared again this week with another live-action adaptation of one of its classic animations.

And with cartoon vaults as deep as Ariel’s ocean, Disney may be re-purposing its old films for many decades ahead.

It must be asked: Is this what we really want? Our childhoods reinvented and suffused with shimmery gimmicks? Should cryogenically frozen classics be again reanimated and remade as hot, new sandboxes for all these state-of-the-art pixels (nearly two decades after Disney’s far less high-tech live-action “Jungle Book,” from 1994)?