Median sales price

Median price is not the same as average price. When looking at all the homes sold in a Zip code, the median price represents the midpoint — meaning that half the homes sold for above the price and half sold below it.

Although prices can and do vary from neighborhood to neighborhood, knowing a Zip code’s median price gives you some sense of what homes cost in that area.

Top five Zip codes

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Days on market

Days on market is a median, not an average, measurement, meaning that half the homes were on the market for less time and half of were on the market longer.

Knowing how long it takes a house to sell can tell you whether it is a buyer’s or seller’s market. Houses that sell quickly usually point to a seller’s market, meaning you have little room for negotiation. Houses that linger on the market usually signify a buyer’s market, meaning you have a better chance of negotiating.

Top five Zip codes

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Change in median price

Median price is not the same as average price. When looking at all the homes sold in a Zip code, the median price represents the midpoint – meaning half the homes sold above the price and half sold below it.

The change in median price in a Zip code from 2015 to 2016 is shown. Although prices can and do vary from neighborhood to neighborhood, knowing the change in median price indicates whether prices are rising or falling in that Zip code.

Top five Zip codes

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Source: RealEstate Business Intelligence.

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