Redmond, WASH. - A meeting of Microsoft Cortana’s writing team – which includes a poet, a novelist, a playwright, and a former tv writer. Leading the meeting is Deborah Harrison, Senior Content Developer, who talks with Chris O’Connor, also a Senior Content Developer, to her left. Across the table is August Niehaus, a writer for the team (Photo by Stuart Isett for The Washington Post)

SAN FRANCISCO -- Until recently, Robyn Ewing was a writer in Hollywood, developing TV scripts and pitching pilots to film studios.

Now she’s applying her creative talents toward building the personality of a different type of character — a virtual assistant, animated by artifical intelligence, that interacts with sick patients.

Ewing works with engineers on the software program, called Sophie, which can be downloaded to a smartphone. The virtual nurse gently reminds users to check their medication, asks them how they are feeling or if they are in pain, and then sends the data to a real doctor.